The reference period for the survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals is in most cases the first quarter of each year; in most countries the survey is conducted in the second quarter of each year. In 2018, one in eight EU enterprises (13 %) experienced at least once problems due to ICT related security incidents. • to ensure that online platforms continue to bring benefit to the economy and society — tacking illegal content online and encouraging enhanced responsibility among online platform providers; • to develop the European data economy to its full potential — for example, by making proposals for the free flow of non-personal data within the EU; and. Growth in mobile broadband subscrip- toni s has far outstrpi ped fixed broadband growth since 2010, with worldwide sub- scriptions increasing from 806.9 million in 2010 to 4 220 million in 2017. The share of small enterprises using CRM applications stood at 30 % and was comparable to the use of ERP software. Opinions about coronavirus' impact on the digital economy are mixed: 33 percent of surveyed international digital decision makers believed that the digital economy … The results of this annual survey are used to benchmark ICT-driven developments, both by following developments for core variables over time and by looking in greater depth at other aspects at a specific point in time. We have enlisted the help of leading academics and set up a new body – the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) – to help us ensure we are measuring the modern, digital economy in the best way possible. However, the share of individuals ordering goods or services over the internet also rose at a relatively modest pace in Malta and France (both 8 percentage points). This article presents recent statistics on the use of the internet by enterprises; the functionalities provided by enterprises’ websites; the types of social media used by enterprises and their purpose and the adoption of e-business applications. In addition, for 27 % of enterprises using social media the purpose was to exchange views and opinions within the enterprise. It highlights the two main drivers of value creation in the digital era − digital data and platformization – and There were 204,000 digital economy businesses, 9% of the UK total in 2015. Between 71 % and 76 % of people in Belgium, Cyprus, Sweden and Malta used social networking sites, this share peaking at 81 % in Denmark, while it rose considerably higher in Iceland (92 %) and Norway (86 %). At the same time, 54 % of enterprises used social media to recruit employees. In 2019, one sixth (16 %) of enterprises in the EU-27 had an internet connection speed that was within the range of ≥ 2 Mb/s but < 10 Mb/s, with a higher share (23 %) having a connection that was in the range of ≥ 10 Mb/s but < 30 Mb/s. Digital advances have generated enormous wealth in record time, but that wealth has been concentrated around a small number of individuals, companies and countries. The proportion of daily internet users among all internet users (who had used the internet within the previous three months) averaged 90 % in the EU-27 and ranged across the EU-27 Member States from 77 % in Romania up to more than 90 % in fourteen Member States, peaking at 96 % in Italy, Malta and the Netherlands. Online accommodation booking from other private individuals was more common among middle-aged people (aged 25 to 54) than it was among either younger (aged 16 to 24) or older generations (aged 55 to 74). Online transport booking from other individuals tended to be more common among the younger generations (aged 16 to 24) than among older people. In 2019, 92 % of EU enterprises used at least one ICT security measure. Highlights. Introduction II. As shown in Figure 8, 92 % of EU enterprises used in 2019 any ICT security measure. The ordering of goods and services by individuals refers to the 12-month period prior to the survey and includes confirmed reservations for accommodation or travel, purchasing financial investments, telecommunication services, video games or software, as well as information services from the internet that are directly paid for. Around 61 % of EU enterprises made staff aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, including more than half of small enterprises (57 %). The United Kingdom is still included in the 2020 DESI, and EU averages are calculated for 28 Member States. The highest percentages of enterprises with web sales via their own website or apps were recorded in Slovakia (98 %), Estonia (97 %) and Romania (97 %). Way Forward. More than twice as many enterprises used their own websites or apps than e-commerce marketplaces for their web sales. In the digital age, households have become firms, and, in turn, producers hire the households’ services directly. The digitization of the economy creates benefits and efficiencies as digital technologies drive innovation and fuel job opportunities and economic … Slightly less than one third (31 %) of EU-27 internet users did not provide personal information over the internet, a share that ranged from just 8 % in Luxembourg to half or more in Bulgaria, Portugal and Romania (see Figure 7). In 2019, 77 % of EU enterprises had a website. Most of these services were ordered through dedicated websites or apps, which act as intermediaries, enabling private individuals to share access to accommodation services — examples include Airbnb, Lovehomeswap or Couchsurfing. In 2016, some 71 % of people aged 16 to 74 in the EU-27 who had used the internet in the previous 12 months knew that cookies can be used to trace people's online activities. The data are organised in Eurostat’s online database according to the year in which the survey was conducted. With this in mind, during February 2020 the European Commission adopted an overarching presentation of the Commission’s ideas and actions for Shaping Europe’s Digital Future, as well as specific proposals in relation to: [[File:Digital economy and society statistics - enterprises 2020.xlsx]], information and communication technologies (ICTs), information and communication technologies (ICT), Digital economy and society — enterprises: tables and figures, Community survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises, European Commission’s work programme for 2017, mid-term review of its digital single market strategy, White Paper on Artificial Intelligence — A European approach to excellence and trust, Cloud computing - statistics on the use by enterprises, ICT specialists - statistics on hard-to-fill vacancies in enterprises, Social media - statistics on the use by enterprises, Internet advertising of businesses - statistics on usage of ads, Digital economy and digital society statistics at regional level, Digital economy and society statistics - households and individuals, Methodological manuals for statistics on the information society, A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe, Monitoring the Digital Economy & Society 2016–2021,, Digital economy and society - enterprises, Source: Eurostat (online data code: isoc_cismt). This purpose of the social media use was the most important for all enterprises regardless of their size, with shares ranging from 87 % for large enterprises, 85 % for medium, to 84 % for small enterprises. The most common mobile devices for internet connections were mobile or smart phones, laptops, and tablet computers. The proportion of internet users that had changed their internet browser settings to prevent or limit cookie use exceeded half in just one Member State, namely Luxembourg (54 %). By contrast, in Lithuania, Hungary, Slovenia and Bulgaria less than 5 % of the enterprises reported having insurance against ICT security incidents in 2019 (Figure 11). The most popular functionality provided by enterprises’ websites was related to the description of goods and services and price lists as well as to links or references to the social media profiles of enterprises. As shown in Figure 3, half of EU enterprises used any type of social media in 2019, which represents an increase of more than 20 percentage points compared to 2013. As such, there has been a considerable degree of development in this area, with statistical tools being adapted to satisfy new demands for data. Digital Economy Act (DEA) researchers are individuals to whom de-identified data is made available for research. Philippine Statistics Authority Presented by Mark C. Pascasio Philippine Statistics Authority. The world’s economy is now digitally driven. Statista hat die wichtigsten und neusten Daten über die gesamte digitale Wirtschaft zusammengestellt - ein Überblick über eines der relevantesten Themen der heutigen Zeit. Such a digital transformation is based on the premise that digital technologies and solutions should: open up new opportunities for businesses; boost the development of trustworthy technology; foster an open and democratic society; enable a vibrant and sustainable economy; help fight climate change. This proportion ranged from highs of 46 % in Luxembourg and above one quarter of the total in Ireland, Malta and Belgium, down to less than 1 in 10 individuals in six EU-27 Member States, with the lowest shares recorded in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia (all 9 %), Latvia (8 %), Czechia and Cyprus (both 5 %). Figure 14 presents the adoption levels of CRM applications in the Member States. Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use, 2019. Figure 18 presents an analysis of how these sales were divided between different types of customer. A similar analysis is presented in Figure 11, which shows the share of individuals who used any website or app to arrange a transport service from another individual. By comparison, between 63 % and 70 % of individuals aged 16 to 74 in Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania and Lithuania used the internet away from home or work, with this proportion as low as 59 % in Poland and 50 % in Italy. This first edition of the Digital Economy Report – previously known as the Information Economy Report − examines the implications of the emerging digital economy for developing countries in terms of value creation and capture. Internet users are defined as all individuals aged 16 to 74 who had used the internet in the three months prior to the survey. In 2019, more than three quarters (77 %) of individuals in the EU-27 accessed the internet on a daily basis — see Figure 4 — with a further 7 % using it at least once a week (but not daily). Environment Accounts; Environment Indicators; Environment Statistics; Climate and Energy; General Statistical Publications. 4 % of total turnover came from web sales to other businesses and government (B2BG), while 2 % of total turnover came from business to consumer web sales (B2C). More than one in three enterprises use enterprise resource planning (ERP) software applications. In 2019, the vast majority (91 %) of EU enterprises with at least 10 persons employed... Enterprises using social media. Tweet. Regular internet users are individuals who used the internet, on average, at least once a week in the three months prior to the survey. Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Austria and France recorded the highest proportions of mobile internet use in 2019, with more than four fifths of individuals aged 16 to 74 using the internet while on the move, peaking at 93 % in Sweden, sharing the top rank with Norway. Other exceptions were Estonia, France and Luxembourg, where the highest level of internet access was recorded in cities, but the lowest was recorded in towns and suburbs (rather than rural areas) and Sweden, where the highest level of internet access was recorded in rural areas. One of the first areas we are looking at is how we measure price change in the telecoms sector. Although a higher proportion (16 %) of enterprises used websites and apps to make e-sales in 2018 than used EDI-type sales (6 %) (see Eurostat datasource isoc_ec_eseln2), the share of turnover from web sales in the total turnover generated by EU-27 enterprises was relatively low, standing at 6 % in comparison with 12 % for the turnover from EDI-type sales (see Figure 17). Recruiting was especially important for large enterprises using social media with 79 % reporting to use social media for that purpose. The figure compares 2014 data, when 48 % of individuals aged 16 to 74 within the EU-27 used a mobile device to connect to the internet, with 2019 data, by which time this share had risen to 73 %. These figures are heavily skewed by the large number of small and medium enterprises in the population of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed. no. The statistical observation unit is the enterprise, as defined in Regulation (EEC) No 696/93. The most commonly reported problem caused by ICT security incidents was unavailability of ICT services, such as hardware or software failures (excl. Disparities between the EU-27 Member States can be observed in the way internet users managed access to their personal information on the internet in 2016. In May 2015, the European Commission adopted a digital single market strategy (COM(2015) 192 final) as one of its top 10 political priorities. Geographical Profiles of Income in Ireland ; Brexit - Ireland and the UK in numbers; Life in 1916 Ireland: Stories from statistics; Statistical Yearbook of Ireland Planned article update: September 2021. The four most widely known categories of social media include: social networks ( Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing); corporate blogs or microblogs such as Twitter; multimedia content-sharing websites (YouTube, Instagram, Flickr) and wiki-based knowledge-sharing tools. One of the most common online activities in the EU-27 in 2019 was participation in social networking, see Figure 6. In 2019, the new European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, described how she wanted the EU to grasp the opportunities presented by the digital age. In 19 EU-27 Member States, the proportion of households in rural areas with internet access was lower than the equivalent proportions of households in cities or in towns and suburbs. One in three enterprises (33 %) reported having documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security concerning for example confidentiality of data, risk assessment, employees training or evaluation of ICT security incidents or measures. In addition, more than one third (36 %) of internet users read privacy policy statements before providing personal information, while just under one third (30 %) restricted access to their geographical location. On 10 June 2016, the European Commission adopted a new Skills Agenda for Europe which seeks to promote a number of actions to ensure that the right training, the right skills and the right support is available to people in the EU so that they are equipped with skills that are needed in a modern working environment, including the promotion of digital skills. In May 2017, the European Commission published a mid-term review of its digital single market strategy (COM(2017) 228 final), which took stock of the situation, while outlining actions in relation to online platforms, the data economy and cybersecurity .

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