Animals thus provide an alternative by allowing a control of hereditary and experimental variables not easily possible with human beings. Regular post-operative monitoring of the animal's condition is essential, and if at any time an animal is found suffering severe pain that cannot be alleviated, it must be killed as painlessly as possible using an approved technique. Extreme care must be taken in the capture, care, housing, usage and disposition of the animal. EXAMPLE: Lorenz conducted his study on imprinting on animals – the greylag geese. Investigators studying free-living animals should take precautions to minimize interference and disruption of eco-systems of which the animals are a part. animals should only be used when there are no alternatives to their use; number of animals used in procedures causing pain or distress reduced to minimum and the severity of such procedures minimized. Animals can become addicted to drugs and alcohol just as human beings can. Animal tests are time-consuming and expensive, limiting the number of chemicals that can be tested. Systematic review of animal studies is most advanced in the field of stroke research (Horn et al. The advantage of animal research is that it puts no human lives at risk. Subjectivity Researchers working with dolphins and primates have been criticised for becoming overly attached to the research and exaggerating findings. Reliance on animal experimentation can impede and delay discovery. Humane Care and Use of Animals in Research Are Safeguarded Neither complete prohibition of animal testing nor complete license is the solution; what’s needed instead is an informed, objective evaluation along with reasonable standards and the means to enforce those standards (Whitford, 1995). Experiments are often carried out on animals that are not closely related to humans physically and this may produce inaccurate and over inflated results. Animal research has helped to understand basic motivational processes like hunger, thirst, reproduction as well as vision, taste, hearing, perception and theories on the working of mind and body. Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. This means that any studies on animals cannot be accurately related to humans, making them invalid. Extrapolation of findings in animal studies on the effects of nootropics to possible effects in humans has several limitations.. 2001; Sena et al. Animal models are often costly and time-consuming and depending on the research question present scientific li… It is important to note that the use of animals in research is heavily controlled by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and it’s Standing Advisory Committee on the Welfare of Animals in Psychology (SACWAP) by means of strict ethical guidelines to prevent cruelty and irresponsible treatment of animals. Animal Studies Rationale for animal studies The Society in particular states that in all psychological use of animals, the benefits to humans should clearly outweigh the costs to the animals involved i.e. A main weakness of animal studies is that animals have a different physiology to humans. The accusation that behavioral research on animals has not resulted in any benefit to humans is not justified either since such research has been responsible for major advances in human well being (Miller, 1985). This is especially present with Harlow's studies on baby Rhesus Monkeys. Humans share common ancestry with the species most commonly studied in psychology: Attachment Theory; Harry Harlow Harry Harlow, Monkey Love Experiments Harry Harlow, Monkey Love Experiments. Can you really generalise results from animals to humans? A review of 110 studies from the biomedical literature revealed the outcomes: Deleterious neuroanatomical, psychological (eg, stereotypical behaviour) and physiological effects Distortion of many subsequent scientific results Only about 5% of the animals are monkeys and other primates. Thus, animal research does make an important contribution, although this comes at a high cost in terms of animal suffering. Descriptive studies. Some of the experimental procedures involve electric shocks, drug injections, food deprivation, maternal separation, and manipulating brain functions to determine the effects on sensory and cognitive abilities as well as behavior (Kimmel, 2007). They argue that all life is sacred and animals go through a lot of distress during experiments in which they involuntarily take part. Therefore, any attempts to relate inferences made about imprinting are futile.Another weakness of animal studies is that they are often incredibly unethical. For example, it takes a about a decade and $3,000,000 to complete all of the animal studies required to register one single pesticide with the US Environmental Protection Agency. Sperry’s (1968) initial split brain studies on animals lead to better understanding of epilepsy, while electrodes placed inside animal brains have helped to understand biological basis of behavior in human beings e.g. Eliot L 1, Richardson SS 2. In the past, there have been a number of psychological experiments using animals to test various hypotheses. Animal tests cost a lot of time and money. Subjectivity Researchers working with dolphins and primates have been criticised for becoming overly attached to the research and exaggerating findings. Comparative psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the study of Sex in Context: Limitations of Animal Studies for Addressing Human Sex/Gender Neurobehavioral Health Disparities. This involves studying non-human animals for research through observation as well as experiments. Have a Free Meeting with one of our hand picked tutors from the UK’s top universities. Both arguments against and for animal testing have their basis. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Humans are different than other animals. Foreword The issues addressed in this Report have been a subject of intense public debate over at least the past four hundred years. This different … If it does, then it can be tested on humans with a lower risk of a negative outcome. They have advantages and disadvantages compared with other approaches. Affiliations. They describe, and that is essentially all. Case studies focus on abnormal cases: people with deviant behaviour, mental disorders or unusual gifts. Humane Care and Use of Animals … They argue that all life is sacred and animals go through a lot of distress during experiments in which they involuntarily take part. Learning and language theories.An interesting insight into the animal world DisadvantagesThe Ethics of animal testing. Animal studies Can you think of any studies in psychology that have used animals ? Animal models are a fundamental tool in the life sciences. The aim is to foster an attitude of responsibility towards animals used in psychological procedures (British Psychological Society, 2000). The test subjects are treated as objects rather than a living creature and are frequently abused, neglected and kept in improper cages. One ought to be careful relating these studies to clinical practice. Huntingford (1984) and Elwood (1991) suggest that wherever possible, field studies of natural encounters should be used in preference to staged encounters. Behaviour can be inherited (as it is determined by genetic information) The test subjects are treated as objects rather than a living creature and are frequently abused, neglected … However, when separating the monkey from the imprinted object, the monkey would then experience serious distress and emotional harm. Many of these problems cannot be studied satisfactorily in human patients because of the difficulty determining causal relationship between variables, and which leaves us only with correlations. Capture, marking, radio tagging and collection of physiological data may have long-term consequences, which should be taken into account. Feelings are strong on … Many people see animal testing as a cruel and inhumane practice. Weaknesses: (1) Point: Research has suggested that there are gender differences when it comes to the way individual’s respond to acute stressors. For example, it takes a about a decade and $3,000,000 to complete all of the animal studies required to register one single pesticide with the US Environmental Protection Agency. Example: For example, Taylor et al (2000) found that acute stress produces the fight-or-flight response in men but the tend-to-befriend response in women. It has helped develop techniques to recover lost function in partially paralyzed limbs and treat hypertension and headaches. Besides, so much has been learned due to animal testing that the consequences of using them for experiments far out weighs the notion to stop using them. Many studies favour uni-lateral (one treatment per animal) models (Marmotti et al. Animal tests cost a lot of time and money. They record changes in the behaviour and … how pleasure is produced by stimulating certain areas of hypothalamus in the brain (Wood & Wood, 1999). Moreover, psychological research is done merely out of curiosity, with no purpose, justification, or likelihood of useful results (Whitford, 1995). Evaluation, AO3 of the SAM (Acute Stress) Response. Many studies favour uni-lateral (one treatment per animal) models (Marmotti et al. Thus, even though instances of cruelty may have occurred without being reported, no cases of abuse appeared in the major psychology journals. that have been used in various studies in psychology is broad, 90% of the animals used have been rodents and birds, principally rats, mice, and pigeons. If so, write them down. It is the process of animal testing that is done under the guise of research to benefit humanity, but the applied research may have little or no concern to the animals involved. It is seen that only 10 percent of the studies used any electric shock, and only 3.9 percent used inescapable shock of greater than .001 ampere. If you’ve taken an introductory psychology class, then you have probably read about seminal psychological research that was done with animals: Skinner’s rats, Pavlov’s dogs, Harlow’s monkeys. 2015), however, bi-lateral models offer the advantages of allowing direct comparison of a treatment to a control within the same animal, thus counteracting the effect of host factors such as age, sex, weight, tissue characteristics, physical activity, or hormonal … killing lab animals is criticized, whereas killing mice as pests produces little protest. Feelings are strong on … Safeguards provide protection – It can be argued that the safeguards in place do provide adequate limitations, as the Animals act, the ethical guidelines, and the Home Office restrictions are effective and among the strictest in the world. Such studies were also regarded as being more ethical than if performed upon humans. . (Kimmel, 2007). Descriptive studies These are of the form of "we cannulated the coronary arteries of a dog and recorded the changes in SVR when vasopressin was infused". These are of the form of "we cannulated the coronary arteries of a dog … Animal research has contributed too many of the medical advances we now take for granted. Use of dogs or cats is rare. Animal testing can be seen as a means to a greater ends; the question is which species (animals or man) seems expendable or is more ethical to test on. The disadvantage of animal research is that it lessens the value of life. Case studies are usually longitudinal studies - they take place over a period of time, typically months. Extrapolation of findings in animal studies on the effects of nootropics to possible effects in humans has several limitations.. Also, 80 percent of the studies using shock or deprivation were funded by respected organizations requiring thorough justification of all procedures, while experiments performed out of mere curiosity were not funded. The study involved a game were participants were rewarded for seeing either sea creatures or barn animals. (Psychology Wiki). This directly contradicts what proponents believe about the closeness of animals and humans in an anatomical and biological sense, as both have many cellular, metabolic and anatomical differences. Part of the justification for why nonhuman animals are studied in psychology has to do with the fact of evolution. Limitations And Benefits Of Psychological Research On Animals: Many people see animal testing as a cruel and inhumane practice. Learning and language theories.An interesting insight into the animal world DisadvantagesThe Ethics of animal testing. 2012; Nixon et al. Psychologist, Dr. Harlow (1965) experimented on monkeys to show effects of social isolation; Skinner (1947) worked with pigeons to study superstition, while Pavlov (1980) used dogs to investigate operant conditioning. The study of nonhuman animals has actually played a huge role in psychology, and it continues to do so today. A main weakness of animal studies is that animals have a different physiology to humans. In a few instances, they represent the only reasonable approach. Use of dogs or cats is rare. Only about 5% of the animals are monkeys and other primates. The study of the psychology of animals has been labeled animal cognition, comparative cognition, animal learning, animal psychology, and animal intelligence. Study Animal Studies Of Attachment: Lorenz And Harlow flashcards from Brydie service ' s ... and their theories have roots in evolutionary psychology, suggesting that animals come into the world biologically pre-programmed to form attachments with others, because this will help them survive. This means that any studies on animals cannot be accurately related to humans, making them invalid. In fact, the addictive quality of cocaine was first demonstrated in animals. Harlow (1958 wanted to study the mechanisms by which newborn rhesus monkeys bond with their mothers. As Herzog (1988) states, the decisions concerning humanity’s moral obligations to other species are often inconsistent and illogical i.e. Humans are different than other animals… In all areas of research, however, major methodological limitations of the animal research and evidence of widespread publication bias were identified. The Society endorses the principles of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement: i.e. Replacement refers to technologies or approaches which directly replace or avoid the use of animals in experiments where they would otherwise have been used. Weaknesses: (1) POINT: A weakness of Lorenz’s study is that it can be criticised for extrapolation. It uses animals that make poor test subjects. The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) argues that laboratory conditions may themselves undermine the results, because of the stress the environment produces on animals. A 2006 review of 76 animal studies, for example, found that approximately 20% were contradicted in humans and only 37% were ever replicated in humans . Experiments can take place to determine if a product or idea will work as intended. Research on early visual deprivation in animals has helped in the earlier detection and treatment of visual defects in human infants. Some of the main limitations of animal research are discussed in detail below: Animal studies do not reliably predict human outcomes. Comparative psychology is the study of animals in order to find out about humans. Therefore, any attempts to relate inferences made about imprinting are futile.Another weakness of animal studies is that they are often incredibly unethical. Our insight into psychological disorders, health issues, addiction and effects of stress and anxiety have been a direct result of animal testing, helping to develop new drugs and treatments for illnesses.

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